宝列康舒医用生物敷料栓 20年发明专利保护品种 宝列康舒医用生物敷料栓,产品成分采用欧美药典原料菊科植物提取物加之以海洋天然生物材料为辅料,主要针对前列腺炎、前列腺增生、肥大引起的尿频、尿急,尿道灼痛等病症的治疗,产品获得国家发明专利技术保护,产品质量、疗效双重保障。 宝列康舒产品中广谱抗菌功效可自动降解吸收,作用于前列腺炎症部位,能够有效缓释疼痛及预防感染。其主要作用特点: 1 局部免疫促进作用: 宝列康舒能够增加白细胞的免疫功能,直接刺激白细胞,增加其活性,能增加巨噬细胞吞噬细菌、病毒和肿瘤细胞的能力,增强免疫功能。 2 消炎杀菌作用: 宝列康舒中的菊科植物提取物和壳聚糖成分能够抑制炎症因子的释放,改变病原菌细胞膜的流动性和通透性;干扰DNA的复制与转录;阻断病原菌代谢,从而起到消炎杀菌的作用。 3 生物利用度高: 宝列康舒通过直肠给药,药物可直达患病部位,缓释时间长,吸收充分。 4 具有良好的生物相容性,避免周围组织不良反应的发生。 宝列康舒医用生物敷料栓,作为国内临床泌尿科专用耗材,以独特的产品优势专注为广大患者服务。
抗菌消炎 增强免疫 修复粘膜 促进愈合 处方资料:
【产品名称】医用生物敷料栓Ⅲ型 【商品名称】宝列康舒 【适用范围】适用于前列腺肥大、增生引起的尿频、尿急、尿道灼热、疼痛以及排尿困难的辅助治疗。 【用法用量】请按下述方法使用本品或遵医嘱。请使用前先清洗肛门周围,使用指套将栓剂推入肛肠深部。每次1枚,应至少连续使用7天。 【规格】Ⅲ型: 2g/枚 【禁忌症】 1、过敏体质患者禁用; 2、伴有糖尿病等疾病的免疫功能低下患者禁用。 【注意事项】 1、直肠使用,严禁口服; 2、如果外包装破损,请勿使用; 3、使用过程中有少量胶状物流出属正常现象; 4、环境温度超过30℃ ,本品会软化(置入冰箱或固化后不影响使用效果); 5、请勿放置于儿童可接触的地方; 6、使用本品期间,禁忌辛辣食物。 【医疗器械注册证编号】皖械注准20172180149 【医疗器械生产许可证编号】皖食药监械生产许20180040号 【生产企业】安徽徽科生物工程技术有限公司 【电话】0558-8215588 全国统一咨询电话:4008887208 Specification of Medical Biological Dressing Suppository (III) Product name: medical biological dressing suppositoryⅢ Property & composition: The suppository is made up ofchitosan, carbomer, polyethylene glycol and aromatic. Scope of application: adjuvant therapy of frequent urination,urgent urination,urethra burning and pain as well as dysuria caused by prostatitis,prostatomegaly and hyperplasia. Usage & dosage: The following procedures or doctor's advice shall be abided by. Before use, please clean the anus and insert the suppository deep into the anorectal with fingerstall. One suppository for each time and it shall last for at least seven consecutive days. Model: III 2g/piece Contraindications: 1. Patient with allergic constitution. 2. Immunocom-promised patient with diabetes. Precautions: 1. For rectal use only. Oral intake is prohibited. 2. Damaged outer package prohibits use. 3. Small amount of colloidal material flow is normal during the use. 4. At a temperature of over 30℃, softening will occur. (When softening happens, the product shall be stored in shade or refrigerator. Medical effect will not be affected after it solidifies). 5. Please keep the product out of the reach of children. 6. Spicy food shall be avoided during use. Storage: in shade, closed, cool and dry place. Expiry date: 2 years Medical instrument product standard serial number:YZB/Anhui 0040-2018 Medical instrument registration certificate number:Certification No.2180149 issued by Anhui Food and Drug Administration in the year of 2017 Medical instrument production permit number: AFDSILN 20180040 Manufacturer: Anhui Huike Bio-Engineering Technology Co., Ltd Registered address: Section A, Taihe Economic Development Zone, Anhui Registered address: A Area, Economic Development Zone, Taihe County , Anhui Province,China Tel: 0558-8215588 Fax: 0558-8696288 National hotline: 4008887208